Resident Evil (1996 Video Game)
play that moonlight sonata like you MEAN it!
15 October 2004
The best ever franchise debut and perhaps the best ever selling game on the playstation. Resident Evil is plot driven - but the special forces you command (Chris or Jill) still hold character: the story holds up extremely well and the subsequent movie producers and directors should be shot or at least eaten alive by bio-infected gimp zombies for their crappy introduction to the world of raccoon city. The opening FMV's create the tension between the unexplained body count and the S.T.A.R.S team sent in to investigate: BOOM! the chopper goes down- you find a hand; a severed hand still clutching the gun in a field; something ripped it off, the magazine is still in, whatever it was it is fast...extremely fast "WAHHH!!!!!!!!" the roar of infected HOUNDS pierces the night air and you pitch a running- gun battle to an isolated mansion. Closing the double large oak doors in just enough time; your team is safe. OR ARE THEY. CHRIS/JILL/BARRY/WESKER you are unwelcome guests at the mansion of RESIDENT EVIL. The definitive SURVIVAL HORROR video game that defines the console world like the Exorcist for movies. (but this is better) Triumphant escape from the labyrinth of corridors and puzzles or a slow agonising death to befall you and your comrades: Gameotography is excellent: the realist pre rendered scenery is beautiful to behold and the bloodletting is superb. One word: please delete the movies from our minds and start the TRILOGY off with the proper introduction for it is the best.
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