Truly remember able
30 October 2004
I was about 5 when I first saw this movie it was on video. Being 5 and watching the tripped out animation of the 70's, some set to Pink Floyd was actually terrifying to me, but I kept watching this video repeatedly like many 5 years old like to do with videos. I couldn't even watch it by myself I made my brother stay with me with lights on and door open. I liked being scared and tried to figure the cartoons out. They didn't make sense to me and I think that is why it frightened me to watch. It still haunts, but intrigues me. I am a fan, but do not recommend young children to watch, because it is hard to understand at such a young age. I think you need to be around 10 to understand that it is art, and that some cartoons have a meaning, and some don't.
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