Reveals some dark truths with a light-hearted, occasionally heavy-handed approach.
9 November 2004
Technically, the film has plenty to sneer at, if that's what you like to focus on. But the story, even with it's own weaknesses, is engaging, with various twists and some quite moving and thought-provoking situations.

This wasn't a laugh-out-loud comedy for me, but there were some very funny situations and an overall adventurous spirit to the film that were quite rewarding.

The issues raised in the film are particularly pressing ones today - but as the film itself portrays, there will be some who simply would not be interested in dealing with such issues, or such people. But the film is so accessible, that for everyone else, there are plenty of touching or funny moments. It would be a pity to miss the opportunity of reflecting on the deeper messages and issues by focusing on the superficial imperfections of the film, which in some ways, actually add to the overall atmosphere of the film. They reflect the sense of doing the best with what you can muster.

The end product, I believe, is certainly worth watching. Actually, with the rather abrupt ending, it would be fascinating to see a sequel...
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