15 November 2004
Although the setting was beautiful-breathtaking really-and it was well casted (Kevin Spacey is always worth watching) I was very disappointed in the movie itself. I kept waiting for something to happen, for something to tie all the threads together and make this movie with so much potential work. The biggest problem in my eyes is that the relationship between Jim and Billy is not adequately fleshed out (in fact, Jude Law's Billy has very little to do in this movie), so the fact that he is murdered doesn't really have any impact-which is a mistake because it is the basis for the rest of the film. You just don't care. The Lady Chablis is interesting (I remember very clearly the full face shot early in the film where I realized-Gawd! That's a man!) but not nearly interesting enough to merit all that screen time, and, as is the case with most drag queens, the constant sexual innuendos get old quick. I don't recommend this film for the plain reason that it's boring, quite frankly. Not enough happens to make you care.
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