Video Vixens! (1974)
mildly amusing stroke fodder graced by the presence of Rainbeaux Smith
15 November 2004
Sophomoric romp is fairly enjoyable if you're looking for non-intellectual locker room humor and the female mystique as the chief components to a movie. There's plenty of wiggly-jiggly juvenile delinquency in VIDEO VIXENS, and a threadbare story centered on the network broadcasting of the first International Stag Film Awards. Playing entirely off this one-joke premise, there's really little else to mention.

Cheryl "Rainbeaux" Smith is luscious as ever in a mock commercial spot endorsing a feminine hygiene product called "TwinkleTwat", and this bit is about as good as it gets(good enough, apparently, to be redone for the 1976 muppet-porn classic LET MY PUPPETS COME, with "Twinkle Twat" renamed as "Sweet-Fish"). All-in-all, it's not exactly something to seek high and low for, but seeking low is more likely going to lead you to this film if you really feel compelled.

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