Ignore the incoherent babbling of the previous poster, decent if over-hyped film
21 November 2004
Don't you hate it when the senile get on here and start babbling about potty training or whatever that last poster was going on about? Review the movie, and save the bloody speeches for your analyst! Can you say "off topic"?

Taking my own advice, a decent if overrated, and not entirely effective film. Of note primarily for being an early example of the Expose film. A "lost" film that's worth seeing if it's on, but not worth hunting down. Phil Karlson the director would go on to direct another true life expose of southern corruption, the far more mainstream, and popular, WALKING TALL. That's all I have to say, but because IMDb now stupidly requires a minimum line length, I have to fill up this space. So here goes, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXx
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