Visions of Passion (2003 Video)
Visions of sleepiness
25 November 2004
Jeanie (Mia Zottoli) and her magical video camera (I say magical because it can see through windows with the blinds shut) record various people having sex to use the footage in her upcoming documentary. One night she records a senator (who's a republican of course, if these things where true to life it'd been a democrat more then likely, but thats a whole different rant), anyways she records a senator with a callgirl (Regina Russell) and has to contend with an editor who steals it. The sex scenes aren't all the great, the plot boring. Skip this one.

The Goods: 10 sex scenes (m/f, f/f, and solo); Naked dancing in opening credits

Babe of the Movie: I'm all about giving fresh faces a chance, so enjoy the accolades Natalie Moore

My Grade: D

Where I Saw It: More Max
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