Best Jackie chan Film in a long time!
4 December 2004
Benny Chan who directed this film, is a very successful commercial director, who has made many great big budget HK movie (like last year Heroic Duo). Benny Chan, also made a movie with Jackie call WHo Am I and that was also a very entertaining movie.

This movie, has many new star and young star like Charlene Choi, Nic Tse, Daniel Wu, Andy On and so on (rich and powerful parent). I wish his son should be in this movie to play one of the bad guy.

The baddie here are rich bored people with nothing to do, except Daniel Wu the leader of the bandit who rob the major bank for fun. In this movie i actually wanted them to win because those bad guy were so smart (has you will see in the beginning). Jackie Chan acted marvelous and i won't be surprise if he getting a nomination for that. By far his best acting in a long time, like the part where his girlfriend was strap in bomb and they were talking about their dying romance. Daniel Wu play another marvelous job and his acting is for sure getting better. This guy going to make many great film has time goes. The action in this movie is amazing considering Jackie Chan age, and it seem like Nic Tse wanted to be the next JC, cuz he done some of the stunt himself. Charlie Young who play JC girlfriend return after 7 years of no acting. She still look pretty, exactly too young for JC i might add, in this movie her brother was under Jackie Chan team, but of course the bandit (call themself x-games) kill all his team including her brother. Therefore JC feel ashame for that and sour their relationship. Charlene Choi (one of the twins) is also in this movie but she play a very minor role but still a funny character like at the ending. She suppose to play Nic Tse character.

Right from the beginning to the end, this film was superb and by far the first film HK film this year i would give it 9 out of ten (One nite in Mangkok come close with 8.5/10). Watching these kind of film make me wonder why he, Jet Li and CYF don't come back to HK and make those kind of amazing films.
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