It 'll take more then one monkey to stop this show
8 December 2004
Outrageous teen/horror movie about a bunch of young people kidnapped by this gang of spies led by a Dr. Myra and her obedient zombie slave Ivan on an island off the US coast.

Dr. Myra is working on this serum together with her two hoods Wrof & Brandt to put into the US water system and make everyone in America become a mindless zombie. This will make it possible for the country that she's working for an unnamed Eastern European power, the Soviet Union?, to take over the USA without firing a shot.These four teenagers who end up on the island Reg Skip Pam & Julie and are quickly captured by Ivan and put in a cage to be experimented on by Dr. Myra.

The teenagers friends Morrie and Dotty go to the island looking for them but are told by Dr. Myra that there's no one there but later go to the local sheriff for help. The sheriff turns out to be working with Dr. Myra and her gang but when he and Morrie & Dotty arrive at the island he has a change of heart.

The sheriff supplied Dr. Myra with drunks and criminals from his jail house and felt that innocent teenagers being used in Dr. Myra's insane ventures are a little too much and refuses to work with her and her hoods thus getting a bullet in his chest from Wrof killing him. Meanwhile the two girls Pam & Julie are exposed to the serum/gas and lose their brain-power and become zombies.

Rag and Skip together with Morrie and Dotty break into Dr. Myra's lab and force her to gave the girls and antidote to give them back their minds after having Dr. Myra lose her with the same gas she used on the girls. It's then that a fight breaks out between the teenagers and Dr. Myra and her two hoods Worf & Brandt as well as Ivan with the monkey/gorilla, one of Dr. Myra's failed experiments, breaking out of the cage killing Brandt as everyone runs for their lives to the boat by the beach to escape.

Having it out on the boat the teenagers overpower Dr. Myra and Worf and take them prisoner to the police and US military authorities on shore thus saving the USA from a covert takeover by a hostile power; as for Ivan he completely disappeared right off the radar screen.
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