Review of Titanic

Titanic (1997)
An OK film....but totally overrated
22 December 2004
Two reasons to like this film:

1) The special effects are pleasing on the eye.

2) The arrogance and selfishness of the rich bloke and his servant come across strongly. These are the two best characters in the film.

Two reasons to pour scorn on this film:

1) The two main characters are so boring that I didn't care whether they lived or died. I had the same feeling watching An Affair To Remember. I don't know whether it was poor acting or poor characterisation, but if you are going to base an entire film on the relationship between two people, at least give them a little charisma and personality.

2) Pretty much every character conforms to an exaggerated stereotype. From the rich, arrogant English to the poor, care-free, happy-go-lucky Americans, and the down-to-earth, fun-loving Irish (they always know how to have a good time don't they?) The stereotyping of every character was painful, right down to the brash, straight-talking American woman who sides with Di Caprio and is considered crass by the stuffy Brits. It is awful and unimaginative characterisation and story telling.

All in all, Titanic is watchable but wouldn't get in my top 200 films.
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