Twisted? Definitely! Nightmare? Maybe.
29 December 2004
I found this movie way back on a shelf in my closet. I had to blow the dust off the video box to read the title. With our curiosity aroused my wife and I sat down to watch it. When it was finished she made me promise to clean out the closet more often!

Among the slasher sub-genre this is a forgotten film; and perhaps we'd all be better off if it stayed that way. It is certainly disjointed enough to seem like a dream and there are plot points which we think will be important but which are forgotten immediately after they are introduced. The film begins with an American Indian Medicine Man being burned at the stake by Cavalry troops for allegedly practising black magic. He vows to return from the dead for revenge. Flash forward 200 years (give or take a decade) to some college pals returning to a campsite where they spent a summer holiday a few years before.

Now here is where the plot gets going. The retarded brother of one of the kids was burned to death in an accident, after which the group all went their separate ways; apparently through a collective feeling of guilt. Hardly has night fallen before someone starts getting rid of the visitors one by one in increasingly gory ways. Is it a resurrected Indian spirit? Has the burned boy come back from the dead? Does the dead boy's sister know more than she is saying about what is happening? Will you hit the fast forward button on the remote? Only the answer to the last question is obvious!

The plot is so full of holes even the minimal gore cannot save the plot. In fact the few bloody moments are photographed so dark you can barely see what is happening. The "tearing an arm out by the roots" scene was done much better, and clearer, in the equally obscure Bigfoot movie NIGHT OF THE DEMON.

This one is for lovers of obscure movies only . . . and even they will come away from it scratching their heads in disbelief.
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