Review of Mesmer

Mesmer (1994)
Eye opening, yet simple, a must see movie
31 December 2004
This movie, especially if you are an Alan Rickman fan you will absolutely love it. He plays such a strong role and is so caring yet still maintains that wonderful cool voice when he is even upset. It kind of makes you feel for all of the people who have disabilities in the movie instead of looking upon them as if they are inhuman, you don't have pity on them but rather you have hope FOR them it's quite an eye-opener actually. Rickman does mumble a lot so be sure to turn up the sound but you couldn't have achieved the same mood if he would have spoke aloud. I suggest if you are a fan of romance films or even Franz Anton Mesmer and his works with Animal Magnetism then go out and get a copy. You may be a little lost when it comes to what animal magnetism but don't be lazy just read up a bit and the movie will be all the more clearer for you. Overall, I would say it's the best item that was in my online shopping cart to date. Happy watching dears!
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