Someone spent money putting this file of crap together.
29 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Ants? Some evolved brain that controls ants? That need a skeleton to get around? Man, that is out there.

I am not saying that movies ought not to try new things, but I think a little thought and common sense might have told the writer and director, and all the actors, that a better idea was needed.

The acting was okay, at best. I would say each actor had a moment, but most of the time it seemed clumsy. The special effects were kind of goofy, and the screenplay was choppy and awkward.

I also take issue with the ending where the 'brain' is in a crate waiting to be moved somewhere. How did it survive a stab wound, nitroglycerin blast, and the weight of a mine collapsing in on it? And how did our main character manage to excavate the thing without his little girlfriend noticing? Where did he get the equipment? Why did the brain try to control some other colony? Aren't there many ants in the desert? I know this comment is sort of badly put together, but I just have to get one last thing off my chest about this movie, and the others like it. Why is it necessary to write a character with common sense, and clear thinking and then make him/her into an idiot at the end by doing something that will obviously endanger him/her and the people he/she is with? Why make that character into a moron in the end? Well, that's what happened in this movie, and I'm very, very ticked off (not really). :) Let that be a lesson to you. Watching the Sci-Fi channel for fun will land you in the stupidest of places.
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