No Blade II, but good in it's own right
12 February 2005
This latest installment (presumably the last) is an interesting film. It lacks the altogether cohesiveness "Blade II" had, but the kind of genre to which the Blade movies belong doesn't necessarily require a brilliant plot or script. Still, I felt they could have done a little better than Dracula. Just because he's the most famous vampire to date doesn't mean he has to be in every vampire movie or TV show (he made an appearance on the Buffy TV show a while back).

Another thing that bugged me about this movie was Ryan Reynolds, aka Hannibal King. He was added to the movie to bring some comic relief, but the thing with these movies is they operate fine without such relief. King was less funny, and more fun to laugh at. Still, there were a few moments when he brought a genuine smile to my face.

Finally, the vampires that were featured in this movie that set Dracula free are just kinda tossed in there. Again, these movies don't really need a strong explanation on everything, but "Blade II" actually did a really good job, and I felt that "Trinity" could have at least tried harder. I mean, in "Blade II" you knew why Damaskinos was doing what he was doing, and you were sympathetic towards characters like Nyssa and Nomak. But in this movie, you don't get the same kind of connection with the villains, which again I think would have been much appreciated.

But enough bad stuff about the movie. For what it is - a vampire movie starring Wesley Snipes - it's pretty fun. The final fight scene between Dracula (I refuse to call him Drake) and Blade was just as ass-kicking as Blade and Nomak. I also liked the superfluous character that Triple H played - GOD knows wrestlers are terrible actors, but this is the one movie where wrestlers could have shone, and H did a great job as just being large, scary, imposing muscle. And while Whistler is missed, the expansion of the cast good guys does make the movie a little more dynamic. And - this might seem pointless, but bear with me - while I didn't like the fact that they used Dracula, I did like the plot behind Dracula and his character. The idea of the First Vampire, never had to evolve, and able to do everything any vampire has been able to do in any capacity is fun... just felt like they sold out by choosing Dracula, could have been a little more original. But still, nicely done.

All in all, I would put this movie between "Blade" and "Blade II", with the latter being the best of the three. If you liked "Blade II", give this a whirl. If you liked "Blade", chances are you'll like this movie. And if you don't like the Blade movies but see this anyway, well, don't call it a bad movie if you knew you weren't gonna like it anyway.
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