A weird gender bending tale from Wei Lo and Golden Harvest.
19 February 2005
Back Alley Princess (1973) is an action comedy from Wei Lo (The Fist of Fury). This gender bending tale is about two street urchins (Sam Hui and Polly Kwan) who make a living pulling all kinds of hustling and scheming. One day they decide to hang around a bunch of street performers. After learning a hard lesson from them, they decide to join their troupe. But a series of unfortunate events has Polly deciding to pull out another scheme out of her bag of tricks and hustles money and legal advice from a wealthy solicitor. Everything is fine again until one day when the boyfriend of one of the troupe members sell's her sister to a sleazy crime lord. The back alley princes are called into action once again. Polly has to pull out the biggest scheme of his life pose as a woman! Can Polly pull it off and save the girl?

A very strange kung fu movie from Golden Harvest. All of the minor stars are involved in this movie. Even some of their biggest stars have cameo roles (includinbg the director). Polly Kwan makes a very unconvincing male (she's too attractive) Angela Mao co-stars as the girl who's strongly attracted to Polly, Sam Hui and many of the Golden Harvest stock players. Han Ying Chieh pulls double duty as the action director and as the sleazy crime lord (virtually the same role he played in Big Boss).

Highly recommended if you can find a copy.
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