Review of Hormoon

Hormoon (2004)
Heartwarming, funny story
10 March 2005
I do not really agree with the other commentators on Jan Braband's latest film (I think this is his 10th short (?)) - Sure, Hormoon is funny, and everything seems to work just to the big finale and "gag" (which I will not reveal here, look for yourself ;-*).

But there really IS more in this film and it is sad to see that most people don't notice it because they're busy laughing. The whole character of Tom radiates something magically optimistic, even when life hits him hard and we see him close to tears or broken down, there is always that little glimpse of positive energy in him that makes him so sympathetic and believable. I really enjoy watching films where one of the main characters carry this kind of "light". Actor Enno Hesse is playing this part quite well, compared to his rather stiff performance in other films (he had a small part in "Der Untergang"/"The Falldown" and I think he's now on every second Tatort or so - I see him a lot on the screen).

The film could definitely have some more "breaks". It has a quite fast pace (at least for me!), and though I've heard that there is a "long" version I was never able to see it. So better keep down your laughs and giggles a little and try to LISTEN and THINK. You will probably find a lot of interesting, tiny things.
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