Bitter Harvest (1981 TV Movie)
Bitter Harvest
21 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Bitter Harvest is about a farmer that owns a dairy cow farm, and his cows are mysteriously getting sick. They go to the state agricultural people for help and all they say is that the baby calf is pretty much not being fed. But when all of the other cows start to get sick, they realize that something up and it turns out that there is PBB in the AF-10 that they are feeding there cows. It affects not only animals but humans as well.In the movie the main characters baby boy ends up being contaminated with the PBB and develops a really bad rash on him. The AF-10 leaves all of these weird defects on the cows and some died, some have gotten really weak. At the end of this movie they dig a massive hole in the ground and herd all of the cows into the hole. and one by one they kill each and every one of them. There was nothing that the humans could do to save them, and they were of no use so they had to shot and kill them all. So they buried them. At the very very end of the movie it said about 30,000 cows that were slaughtered of killed and buried in massive graves. Many farmers and farms were put out of business or shut down and never allowed to reopen it again. That is the basic outline of the movie from what i have seen.
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