Not an atrocious horror film, just a generic one
23 March 2005
"Curse of the Forty-Niner" doesn't really deserve a long and detailed review, so I'll just make some random observations about it:

  • Cool opening credits.

  • No plot.

  • Is there anyone who's ever seen a horror film before and can't guess, within the first 20 minutes, who will survive and who will not among this group of walking stereotypes?

  • Hey, that newcomer (Alexandra Ford) is pretty hot!

  • Richard Lynch (made-up to look about 100 years old) and John Phillip Law have fun, tongue-in-cheek cameos.

  • Karen Black has a bigger role, but she's not fun - she's rather embarrassing.

  • Martin Kove is on-screen for about 40 seconds, but still got his name on the video cover. Did they pay him for this appearance or was it the other way around?

  • I hate cheap computer-generated effects in horror films.

*1/2 out of 4.
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