"Dude, that goalie was ******* about something"
28 March 2005
I wasn't expecting much from FvJ. I haven't watched that many of the previous Elm St or Friday films but I still expected a entertaining hour and a half's viewing. And thats exactly what I got. No more, no less.

The plot starts off suitably ridiculous. Freddy is trapped in hell because the residents of Elm Street have covered up his very existence. All those kids with knowledge of Freddy are locked up in a mental home and drugged to stop them dreaming. As a consequence Freddy has lost his power to instill fear in sexy young teenagers. Now free to do whatever they like without being slashed for the first time in four years (is that all it takes to forget about someone who murdered half the town?) they have taken to pass the time with sex, drugs, sex, skinny dipping in lakes in the middle of the night and more sex. So Freddy devises a plan to release Jason to kill a few people who will mistake to murders for Freddy to raise the fear level a notch or two allowing him to return. Why he has to power to raise other people but not himself is never explained. But Jason starts killing everyone in his path and soon there will be none left for the Fredster. And he isn't happy about it.........

You've heard the acting is terrible, the duologue atrocious and the CGI laughable. Its all true. Katherine Isabelle (from Ginger Snaps) is here, she doesn't last very long but she was still a highlight, in a typical stupid teenager in a horror film way. "My boyfriend has just been killed by a maniac last night who is still on the lose but sure I'll go to a party tonight". Did she not watch Scream? How the group put together the laughably outlandish (but true of course) theory that Freddy brought back Jason to kill people raised a giggle. A guy who killed people in their dreams brought back an immortal serial killer who drowned to kill people to give him back his power! Of course! And don't even get me started on the fight sequences which looked like they were ripped from a Playstation game.

But for all its faults FvJ brought out the 7 year old Saturday morning cartoon fan in me. This isn't a horror film. Its a gift to fans and novelty, not something to be taken seriously. FvJ knows this from the start and plays to it perfectly.
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