Wish I had my 2 hours back
28 March 2005
I rented this movie the other day, and must say I have not seen a worse movie in quite some time. The main reason I picked up the movie was to see Mark Hamill in something other than Star Wars. Now I know why Hollywood wasn't really knocking down his door. The acting by all parties involved in this was awful. The two main females were especially atrocious.

The movie itself feels like it has ended 4 or 5 times before the actual end of the movie. Each time I'm hoping that the torture is over, but no, it still goes on. The Trickster escapes from the courthouse or from jail, or from wherever once again, and goes to fight the Flash once again.

The use of The Flash's powers was pretty sparse as well. He runs around fast a little bit, juggles to himself while beating on the Trickster a bit, but doesn't really do anything cool. The Flash is more than just running fast.

Special effects for this movie were actually one of the decent parts, considering it's made for TV budget, it didn't look too bad. The Flash's costume was also rather well put together.

Overall though, this was a very disappointing movie, both as a fan of Mark Hamill, and as a comic book fan. I'd recommend staying far away from it.
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