Review of Kickboxer

Kickboxer (1989)
Muay Thai Muy Bien
2 April 2005
Jean-Claude Van Damme turns in a solid performance as Kurt Sloane - the younger brother who seeks revenge against the demoniacally sadistic Bangkok bad guy, Tong Po (Michel Qissi), who paralyzes Kurt's older brother - Eric - implausibly cast and ineptly acted by Dennis Alexio. The simplistic explanation for the siblings' lack of resemblance to one another in terms of class, ethnicity - and language is too hilariously weak to warrant revealing. Although the film is rife - and ripe - with trademark eighties cheese, the Muay Thai fight sequences are adroitly choreographed, shot and edited. This film is a must for Muay Thai buffs and offers plenty of unintentionally, but nonetheless highly comical relief. Without a doubt, the best of the three Kickboxer films --- but also quite possibly the one possessed of the very worst soundtrack.
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