Without a doubt, the best film about talking skateboards ever made
3 April 2005
Let me start off by commenting on the poster and cover art for this movie. The publicity photo shows Sammy, our protagonist, on his magic skateboard, holding a chihuaua, flying over Mount Rushmore. Now let me say that neither Mount Rushmore or chihuauas are anywhere close to this movie; that's how awesome it is. Sammy's father died when he was very young, and therefore it is up to Sammy to be the man of the house. Unfortunately for Sammy, all he wants to do is play what appears to be the most spectacular video game anyone has ever seen. He has a rough time because Kimmy Gibler and Elliot's mom are always bringing him down, and his best fried kamikazees some older kids with her bike. A strange old man lures Sammy into a warehouse with promises of skateboards, but instead gives him a box of junk. The winner of the Kurt Russell lookalike contest shows up and tells Sammy that he's an amazing skateboarder, but Sammy already knew that because his skateboard told him. Of course, Sammy wins the skateboard competition, not because his skateboard can fly, but because he believes in himself. He then realizes that he is in love with his best friend Mickey. It is also noteworthy to mention that the antagonist's rattail is a folicle miracle.
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