King's Game (2004)
The best danish movie of this decade
9 April 2005
I always knew, that this movie was one to watch, and one which would be of interest of me, so when I got the chance to see it, I didn't let the opportunity miss. But never did I know, of how great I would find this movie. Mainly, you see movies, which you find good, bad or indifferent, but rarely you see movies that are truly captivating as "Kongekabale" was for me. I guess it depends on what kind of movie you like. I like movies, where I can't predict it all, with complicated plots, that you sit and try and figure out, while watching. And all this I got with "Kongekabale".

It's about a reporter getting a leak about the husband to the woman who might get in power after the next election. But that's just a layer, the top of the iceberg. It suddenly evolves to a huge amount of layers of lies, cheats and people that literary would kill for power. And the spiderweb just evolves and evolves.

The movie is based (although in exaggerated form) on real events, and even though the plot is exaggerated, it surely sends a message about current politics all over the world, and how people behave with power.

The actors play well, and the directing and script is top notch. The movie is perfectly balanced, and also some remarks makes you laugh on occasion, without it sounding odd or out of place. And the ending itself is so amazing, that I couldn't believe it.

A masterpiece. Watch it!
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