The Final Cut (2004)
A definite disappointment
12 April 2005
I don't often dislike movies whose ending requires a bit of inference from the audience; more often than not, they are among the better films out there. In this instance, however, it was a bit too much. By requiring that we assume that the "bad things" inferred throughout are actually what happened, and that we assume that the inferred ending is as we ourselves inferred, there is just far too much inference. I never like to have things handed to me on a silver platter, but half of what went on that seemed to be surrounded by so much intrigue just didn't really have all that much to do with the real point of the movie, and neither did the ending. Of course, by watching the whole thing, you can tell by the end what it was that the director wanted you to understand about it, but the heart of the film was at the periphery and the primary plot line didn't meld into it much, if at all. Just as things were heating up, it was over. A half hour added on would have given us, at the very least, assurance that things were indeed headed in the direction that the last five minutes seemed to infer. Have you noticed the repetition of a certain word in this review? I hope so. Additionally, if you were to exclude everything that was nonessential to the plot (in a very plot-driven movie), this would have been a 15-20 minute featurette. Ugh. Expand on what you really wanted to make a movie about and if you want filler, develop it more into a bit of a parallel plot line. Then show us where they come together.
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