Dust to Glory (2005)
Whoa! Fantastic!!
17 April 2005
Wow. They nailed it. It was about us. All of us. It could be called a physical experience of a movie. It tugged your heart. It made you lean into the turns, and lean away from the bushes. There were more than enough sphincter clenches. There were knee slapping laughs, and head shaking sights. There was eye strain from trying to see through the silt. There were near misses, and solid hits. They touched everybody with this movie. Racers, chasers, sponsors, Mom's & Dads, locals, kids, dogs and a few ostriches. It's just great!

Understand, I was looking forward to it from the get go. I had expectations, concerns, and a lot of curiosity. So as I sat down in the theater seat, I was hoping to be reminded of the experiences all my race car seats delivered. My biggest concern was that the producers would some how "Hollywood Up" the Baja 1000 and botch the thing.

Now, as to the opposing views? Well, my guess is that others went into the theater with their own expectations, concerns and curiosity. Who in the race community would do otherwise? Their criticisms are quite valid. As are the opinions on what the movie contained and why. Anyone who has experienced their own Baja 1000, and then experiences this movie will compare the two. I did. And everyone else did. We all take it very personally.

I believe that was one of the major challenges facing Dana Brown. He is not a racer, and knows it. He does understand the visceral element of being involved in an endeavor beyond the casual participant level. Our Baja 1000 is to us what surfing is to him. It is clear to me that he respects the importance of what we all do when we are involved in the Baja 1000.

Naturally, he had other challenges to address. He and his group were making a film. Not a class project, but an investment. One that they hope will return profit. And, they had to capture it live. In real time. No "take two!". While we represent an important audience to them, we are but one of many audiences they must consider for this movie. They too are important. Just not as well informed. Not as experienced in the Baja 1000. Not personally involved.

I choose to accept Dust To Glory as delivered. It's not as perfect as it would be if I were in charge of course. But then again, I'm one of the inmates.

BB "Life Is A One Lap Race"
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