Review of Tripfall

Tripfall (2000)
Eric Roberts: Psycho/Murderer Extraodinaire
1 May 2005
**SPOILERS** Totally implausible kidnap thriller with Eric Roberts as Mister Crazy Eddie doing what he does best, playing a psycho killer, The late John Ritter, Tom Williams,as his victim together with his wife Gina, Rachel Hunter, and two kids Michael & Angela, Tyler Cole & Christina Ann Moore, are the one's being held by Eddie & friends for a ransom of 1.2 million dollars.

Grabbing Tom after he was taken to this strip-joint on the boardwalk by Eddie & Franklin, Michael Raynon, who who together with Lonnie ,Katy Boyer, kidnapped the Williams family. Holding the Williams' hostage for 1.2 million dollars Mr. Eddie & Lonnie take the reluctant Tom to the local California branch of his bank back home in Ohio to get the cash by wire transaction.

No one at the bank has the presences of mind to call the police to check why such a large transaction in cash is being ordered by Tom and even his lame excuse. Tom claims that he's into real estate and does this all the time to buy land on the spot at the local auction house is just a bit too off-the-wall. All that the bank has to do is check on Tom's past transactions and see that this is a first for him. There's this scene in the bank after Tom picks up the cash where the bank administrator is suspicious of what's happening and tells one of his aids to call the police to follow Tom in the streets and see what he does with the money. But later, like the very next scene and for the rest of the movie, there's not a cop car or cop around?

We see the kidnapping trio murder a family at the start of the movie and later Eddie gleefully murderers a nature watcher that he kidnapped at the beach and a pizza delivery boy that he kidnapped at the motel, where he was holding the Williams' captive. All this on Eddies part just to show Tom how easy it is for him to murder someone. Yet for some strange reason he fails to kill the Williams even when Tom escapes from him and his cohorts and later beats him over the head with a sack full of bills to make his getaway!

You start to realize that Mr. Eddie is more interested in murder then in money, he really gets a big kick out of it, but he gives Tom and his family all the leeway he could in not murdering them. The kidnap trio later fall into disarray when Franklin takes it on himself to deal with the on the run Tom for the money as Mr. Eddie is lost in the crowd looking for Tom after he got belted outside the bank by him.

Getting back to Franklin's van Mr. Eddie plays along with him until he turns his back on him and then blasts away. With Tom putting the cash in garbage cans, $300,000.00 a can, in order to have his family released, one at a time. Tom finally meets up with the remaining kidnappers, Mr. Eddie & Lonnie as well as his hostage family. True to his character Mr. Eddie takes the remaining cash and instead of releasing Tom's family attempts to murder them, and him only to end up shooting himself to death. Lonnie now all alone without her Knight in shinning armor and afraid of being put behind bars for life put a gun to her head and pulls the trigger! what a happy ending. Tom battered and exhausted from his ordeal can now live to talk about it to anyone who would be crazy enough to believe him.
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