2 May 2005
I'm amazed to see so many lukewarm reviews here, but it's pretty clear from the user-ratings graph that they don't represent a cross-section. Not having read the book, I went in with limited expectations, but was thoroughly entertained and left the theater in great spirits, as did an apparent majority of the audience -- after some spontaneous and sustained applause as the credits rolled.

Mentioning almost any details of the film's numerous innovative gags and subplots would spoil it badly, so I'll try not to. But who can dismiss such inspired things like the dolphin exodus, the violently idea-repellent planet, the moping robot, or the erudite book's hilarious explanations? The sheer density of the laugh-source material almost causes one's brain to overflow, so that it's actually hard to remember them all afterward. My only direct advice is: don't leave the theater in the middle. A trip to the candy counter or the bathroom will cause you to miss enough to feel the void it leaves.

One other observation: anyone who waits for the video is going to be horribly disappointed. This is definitely a must-see-on-the-big-screen kind of film.

Clearly a 10.
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