Review of Saw

Saw (2004)
a "twisted pictures" production
15 May 2005
that is the first sign, the name of the production company. and if you still want to see the movie, then you better be prepared for what is coming your way. actually, that would be pointless. this i easily the most convoluted, twisted, nasty picture i have ever seen. and I've seen my fair share of them.

saw is a mind-bending work of evil genius, the script is full of devious twists that keep you marvelling and yet leaves you wondering at the tighter holes the characters keep getting drawn in. yet the scriptwriters constantly unravel new twists that keeps the audience on edge.

the movie does slacken towards the end in a faux-ending, but picks up with a brilliant twist, leaving the audience on a high. this is destined to be a huge underground cult hit.

full marks to script-writer actor leigh whannel and script-writer director james wan. but why the heck did they put up with cary elwes' amateurish performance??
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