A bit of nostalgia related to this fine forties musical
30 May 2005
As a young boy, sick and home from school, I happened on this wonderful musical that really touched me. I was probably 11 or 12 years old and watched in my living room in Pomona, NY on my very small family Motorola TV some older kids sitting on a stage, singing into a phone to their friend in the hospital. I never saw the film again but as I grew up, I thought about it from time to time. When I turned fifty (10 years ago)I sort of became obsessed with the idea of finding that film. The only thing I knew about it was the scene that I mentioned above and the fact that Candy Candido was in the film (Candy was married to Anita Gordon who "sang" the part of Linda on the record titled 'Linda" with Buddy Clark... My favorite childhood song... but that is another story...). After about six years of searching and with the help of IMDb, I finally identified my lost film and through the help of Linda Kay who runs the Frankie Darro fan site, I was finally able to have a copy of the film. I love the film and will always cherish it.... SRD
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