Review of Python

Python (2000 TV Movie)
Dude, you got me out of bed for a SNAKE?
9 June 2005
Cheap horror movies don't come much worse, or cheaper, than 'Python'. $3, brand new retail. None of this second-hand or ex-rental crap. It was straight off in a retail store for $3. Now that, my friends, is awesome.

In the skies over the town of Ruby, California, the opening scene from 'Jurassic Park' is played out in a cargo plane. Two very intelligent military guys bust open a wooden crate - goaded on by numerous signs telling them not to open the crate - and very soon, these two very intelligent military guys are about as alive as they are smart. Then comes the 'Friday the 13th' sex scene: two lesbians arguing over name pronunciation - and just how lesbian the other is - when they become victims of the standard horror movie convention. That is, they were doing the deed, and then they carked it. I wonder what happened? Was it Jason? Or was there a giant snake on board the plane that crashed? With a climbing body count, it is up to our heroes to save the day. Or get eaten. Whatever happens first.

'Python' tries so desperately to be a horror movie that you almost feel sorry for it. There's no mystery or surprise about the creature. Good horror tend not to reveal the killer / monster / whatever until the end of the film, but then again, good horror movies don't have a detailed picture of the creature on the front cover and a detailed description of the creature in the blurb. 'Python' reveals it's title character ALMOST IMMEDIATELY! When it tries to pull off a cheap scare or even any sort of surprise, it is always something you could see from 163 feet away.

Does 'Python' have anything going for it? Why, it most certainly does. It seems to rest heavily on the comic relief, suggesting that they were trying for an 'Evil Dead 2' style horror / comedy, or even some sort of spoof. I'd buy that, considering all the scenes stolen from 'Jurassic Park' and blatant references to 'Friday the 13th'. However, I get the feeling they missed that opportunity entirely and just tried to make a serious horror film that failed almost completely. It is somewhat funny when it wants to be funny, and whole lot funnier when its trying to be serious. Yeah, that kind of funny.

'Python' - a terrible film, and a terribly entertaining film. It's trash, but hey, if you like trash then this is something you should see. Hey, it's still better than 'Anaconda' - 1/10
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