Carrey is such a classic
16 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
OK I know this movie is a bit silly to say the least, and pretty gross in parts, but you gotta hand it to Jim Carrey there's few who could do it as good. Ace Ventura is such a knob but Carrey makes you love him.

The scene of the rhino 'giving birth' has to be one of the funniest if not most disgusting scenes from any of Jim Carrey's films. And he does it so well! Coming out like a new born calf, naked frightened and slimy. Gross but oddly compelling.

There are so many times I find myself rolling on the floor laughing in Ace Ventura, for example at the 'monopoly guy' ("Do not pass go, do not collect $200!) or the projection room scene in the consulate when he just sits down in front of the projector (I don't know why something so simple could be funny I'm laughing at it even now!) and to when he does shadow puppets to the Consular's nipples!

Its not high brow, its pretty disgusting and the plot is barely important, but Jim Carrey is funny, his expressions, his energy and the complete randomness (the monster truck for example, or him bumping up and down in the jeep when the road is completely smooth) and I find him likable.

If you're not a fan of Jim Carrey and don't enjoy his style of comedy, then what are you even doing looking at this movie! Most people probably hate it, but I still think Jim Carrey is more original and unpredictable than some of the terrible imitations. I'm looking at you Rob Schneider! 'The Animal'?. please.
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