Vulgar, yet tame.
24 June 2005
Bearing little of no relation to to the late 70's flick 'Patrick', this exercise in exploitation tries to deliver the goods, only to be impeded by it's own intentions.

Patrick is a kid (by kid I mean a guy who looks to be in his 30's) stuck in a kind of waking comma, unable to move or speak, yet fully sentient of the world around (and not around) him. His mostly insane father seeks to avenge/rectify the condition his son is in and sets up a secret laboratory for research and invites a group of people to his estate to test the powers his damaged son now possesses.

Pretty much from the start it's clear this isn't going to be a good movie per say, but should work fairly well as exploitation. It gives it the old college try, but consistently comes up short.

Problems begin with the script, which keeps afloat about as well as a brick. Plotting is wrong headed and scenarios never approach believable, even by genre standards. The characters are stupid, and I don't mean the average garden variety horror movie retards; I'm talking about some of the most brain dead specimens in all of film. So inept are the characters that even with full motor control and verbal abilities, they still seem more dysfunctional than poor crippled Patrick.

Writing has never been the strong suit in these kinds of films, so that could be forgiven if the fan service is up and running. It is, kind of, but not enough to save this effort. Clever and creative deaths are marred by all around cheesy FX and gore. The film's key-note shock scene, a bit where a woman gets impaled through her genitals, sounds more shocking than it really is, as the cut-away dummy used looks so fake as to induce chuckles rather than shrieks. The rest of the deaths suffer a similar fate; creatively staged and imagined, poorly designed and executed (pun not intended).

The rest of the technical aspects are par for the course; schlocky acting, cheesy dialogue, and acceptable if all together limp direction. The only saving grace is the notable presence of gobs of full-frontal (mostly all female) nudity.

Serious fan of exploitation will garner the most mileage out of this puppy to be certain, everyone else should just pass right by.

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