Fantastic Four (I) (2005)
9 July 2005
FANTASTIC FOUR Fox 2005 Color 91 minutes Action-Fantasy Jessica Alba, Iaon Gruffurd, Michael Chicklis, Chris Evans and Julian McMahon star. Directed by Tim Story Rated PG-13 for adult themes and violence So how fantastic is the new comic book flick Fantastic Four. Well I'm happy to say that it's pretty fantastic. Now don't get me wrong this film is by no means intelligent, ground breaking, creative or even semi original. But it doesn't pretend to be. it's nothing more than dumb fun and it's slightly refreshing to a see a film of such caliber. Director Tim Story of the highly enjoyable and under appreciated Taxi takes a hot cast of 5 and turns four of them into a superhero squad and one of them into a villain. thats basically the premise it's not much more except that they fight. And yes they actually really do fight. The spfx are pretty good and well used and the acting is acceptable for the film. Surprisingly Jessica Alba looks gorgeous and doesn't suck too bad. Ioan Gruffurd of King Arthur fame does a nice job of filling out his hunky suit. Making him the film's more mature looking and minded sexy guy. Michael Chicklis looks very cool and plays the part well as the Thing. Julian McMahon of Nip/Tuck turns in a sexy performance as Doom and the standout performance here is really mega sexy Chris Evans. whose undeniable comic appeal and likability makes him the films real star. Plus the fact if it was just him waling around near naked or in aform fitting suit the entire film that would along be the price of a movie ticket. God look at those abs and that ass. Whew! alright let me stop. Anyways the film is dumb fun. The first real summer flick to come out this year in my opinion. Check it out! you won't be disappointed if you know what to expect. B+
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