Starts with a bang ... ends with a whimper
18 July 2005
In this unsurprising storyline (with a comedic twist), John (Wilson) and Jeremy (Vince) are, ironically, wedding counselors/mediators who look forward to weddings more than Christmas. Why? Because weddings give them a chance to take advantage of emotionally vulnerable women, feast on free food, dance all night, and take their libido to the next level. Both are stylish, smooth talking mid/late 30 somethings that have bedposts notched neck high. The film and editing are fast and furious until John has a moment of clarity and falls for Claire (played beautifully by the modest Rachel McAdams), the daughter of a powerful senator. Claire is in a relationship and this only heightens the chase. It's this moment, when we discover that John really is more than meets the eye that the film starts to turn a corner into "serious comedy" and all the gut-busting humor is left behind. Bit roles by Christopher Walken and Will Farrell can't save this movie from going stale. The ending is tied neatly in a bow, and with all the hype and potential, the morning after leaves a dull headache.
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