Lacking Luster
25 July 2005
Unless you are a preteen with flight attendant aspirations there is no good reason to see this movie. But here are some random thoughts anyway: The screenplay, written by a male film student, is so incredibly poor that this thing was doomed before it ever left pre-production. Better than average production and post-production could not salvage much, ironically less professional efforts in those area might have made the thing into an entertaining camp classic. The success in getting this produced should inspire other screen writing hacks to keep pounding away at their keyboards.

Candice Bergen is actually very good in this and shows traces of actual comedic acting talent. Christina Applegate is very good as is Joshua Molina. There are some funny Cleveland jokes. Ha Ha Gwyneth Paltrow is horribly miscast, her accent is fine but she just flat out can't do this style of comedy (contrast this with her nice underplayed comedic performance in "Running With Sissors") . During most of her screen time I kept being reminded of Maria Sharapova, it was as if Maria had accidentally gotten her face caught in a steel forging machine, permanently bending it at slightly unflattering angles. Poor Maria.

Michael Myers is staggeringly bad-almost beyond belief bad. Just a step away from being so bad that it would be camp funny.
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