The Worst film of the Year!
5 August 2005
Dukes of Hazzard Warner Bros. 2005 Color 113 mins. Action-Comedy Johnny Knoxville, Sean William Scott, Jessica Simpson, Willy Nelson, Burt Reynolds and Lynda Carter star. Directed by Jay Chandrasekhar Written by Gy Waldron Rated PG-13 for language, violence and drug references. Wow! I just returned from seeing dukes of Hazzard and I just have to say Whew Dark Water your in the clear. Dukes of Hazzard has taken over as the worst film of the summer. Besides the fact that Jessica Simpson has the acting range of a used sanitary napkin. This film manages to be about nothing annoyingly and completely. Now in the fan of the show's defense I must say that I've never seen the actual series. but as a person whose just watching this movie if thats what you want to call it. It's one big mess. Let's get to the pathetic plot line concerning the Dukes cousins played lamely by Johnny Knoxville and Sean William Scott who come across an evil plan by Boss Hogg with a horrifically plastic turn by Burt Reynolds to take their small town and turn it into a coal mine. They've managed to block this flow of important information from the entire town by holding an all attention grabbing redneck race of a former hometown superstar racer and the other racing kin from the town. Yes thats what it's really about. And it's handled so absurdly. It's truly a stab at any type of rational thought. There really is no purpose to this film. It's like saying that everyone is really dumb and the supposed evil money making people are just a bit smarter than the other really dumb rednecks. Now let's get into this cast. The reason, the only two reasons I stayed til the end were for delicious Johnny Knoxville and scorching Sean William Scott. there is unfortunately no bare skin in the film except that of cinematic tart dud Jessica Simpson whom plays Daisy Duke. The duo's feisty smart cousin who figures out the plans and uses here sex appeal to get whatever she wants until she's stumped when she just can't use it. Willy Nelson is also equally eccentric and boring as Uncle Jessie. Now I'll state again that this film has no point and in some movies like Fast and the Furious and XXX it's acceptable because the action scenes are entertaining. But this dud doesn't even have that the car chases are boring and repetitive and the movie is sloppily filmed. So here it is folks bad acting, bad direction, bad story, bad cinematography=BAD MOVIE. Don't waste your time on this tragedy for Knoxville skin watch a much more entertaining film entitled Jackass, yeah thats right Jackass and for Williams skin watch The Rundown, yes the Rundown that mediocre Rock action flick. This movie is sure to set back women, men, animals, film making, mankind back 20 yrs. It's a travesty to all rational patterns of thought and degrading in every way from objectifying women to dumbing down men even more and destroying any hope for the summer to go out with a bang. Thanks a lot! Piece of Crap! D
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