Paparazzi (2004)
Enjoyed it
15 August 2005
Decent enough movie, if not exactly all that well made. I enjoyed the storyline and the general tone. It seemed that the paparazzi in the film, primarily Tom Sizemore, Daniel Baldwin and Kevin Gage, seemed to be rather over-the-top psychos. However, I have no doubt that many film stars encounter people like this.

Probably the thing that brought the movie down a bit for me was utilizing Cole Hauser as a leading man. I hate to say that because I like a lot of the things he's been in ("Pitch Black", "Tears of the Sun"). He has a look of physicality and menace about him, and his eyes can pierce holes in you. He can definitely command a screen in the right situation (His brief role on ER as Samantha's ex, trying to weasel back into her life, was memorable). But he isn't the most expressive or charismatic guy, and he seemed out of place in a position of carrying a movie as a lead. He definitely does a decent job, but I didn't always get a sense of his claustrophobic rage at what was happening to his life and his family. I didn't quite get where he was going with this. Perhaps it would have been better if a scene had been staged where he deals with the last straw, and gets those eyes burning. That may well have told us we were going for a fun ride. Due to an incredible coincidence, he apparently "accidently" kills the Kevin Gage character, or was it coincidental or accidental? It was a little hard to tell with his reaction. I think I might rather have seen him finally at the end of his rope, and go after these guys methodically and brutally. These psychos would have deserved it.

I think Cole Hauser is a good actor, for what he is, but he's probably best in a character or secondary role.

Not a bad movie, although a little disjointed. Tom Sizemore's character is very disturbing, and Dennis Farina is good as a Detective, methodically piecing together what's going on.
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