Black Cloud (2004)
Beautiful Film
16 August 2005
It was great to see a film with such a beautiful seems all I've seen lately are office buildings in dirty cities, so this was literally a breath of fresh air, and I sort of hated to leave the theater and realize, oops, you're back in the big city now... Rick Schroeder has grown up on film, and we all expect a lot from him. I thought he did a good job with the character, and while the film suffered a bit in pace and editing, it more than made up for that by good performances, cinematography, and a nice score. Hope to see better distribution in the future. This one just didn't seem to have time to catch on with audiences. It made me wish for the old days when you'd see two films at a time, and end up liking the second one better. I guess financial gain for theater owners has taken those days away. Too bad, as some of these smaller films could really benefit from such a system. Anybody listening? Perhaps it will be sold in a two-pack DVD that can benefit another movie at the same time.
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