Shaw Brothers Classics: The Anonymous Heroes!
17 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Anonymous Heroes (1971) was an interesting step for Shaw Brothers famous duo of Lung Ti and David Chiang. In this 1930's era storyline, the two actors star as a pair of wild dudes who like to have fun and raise hell whenever they can. They both like the same girl who hangs out with them whenever they feel like doing something real stupid. But one day, the trio come across a group of revolutionaries who are plotting to take out a local warlord. One of them strikes up a friendship with David and Lung and ask if they'll do a job for them for some quick money. During one of their "raids" for guns, their new found friend is killed. Before his death, they make a blood oath, finish the job of stealing the rifles and get the promised cash so his comrades can continue the revolution. Not a pair of guys who renege on such a serious pact, they decide to carrying on with the mission and try and contact his fellow revolutionary. Along the way the trio steal guns, get arrested, escape and go out like the WILD BUNCH. After dying in a bloody, honorable and dramatic fashion, the three friends forever become heroes in the revolution. They gave up their lives for a cause that they slowly begin to believe in.

A strange film that was like a hybrid of BUTCH CASSIDY & THE SUNDANCE KID and THE WILD BUNCH. I was surprised by how different it was. The movie was light hearted fare (until the bloody heroic end) and the actors seemed to be enjoying themselves. I saw the newly restored version that was released by Celestial Pictures. The movie was shown in beautiful Shawscope with vibrant colors and a restored soundtrack.

Highly recommended!
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