Fairy tales can come true, if you live in Wisconsin!
22 August 2005
Martha Coolidge's "The Prince & Me" shows us a director as one of the most talented women in the business. Ms. Coolidge is in the right track presenting this story about the romance of a young American girl with a Danish prince that has all the makings of a crowd pleaser. Not having seen it when it was released commercially, we caught up with it on cable. While this is a story targeted for a certain age group, people of all ages will probably enjoy this delightful comedy.

The casting of Julia Stiles as Paige Morgan, the Wisconsin co-ed that meets a young prince at the university, proves its best asset. This young actress is a welcome presence no matter the project. She radiates such warmth and sunniness that it's hard not to fall in love with her by the end of the picture. She proves to be irresistible, even for us, the casual viewer.

Although the film follows a formula, which has been seen before, it is never obnoxious, or makes us lose interest. Luke Mably, plays the young prince Edward of Denmark with easy charm. He gets to know reality first hand when he accompanies Paige to the farm where she has lived all her life. Ben Miller, is Soren, the prince's companion who is always there for him.

The film is a delightful way to spend a couple of hours.
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