Review of The Temp

The Temp (1993)
If a movie could win an award by being weird and by the numbers simultaneously The Temp would win hands down.
4 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers

The Temp is a by the numbers "stalker genre" Movie similar to movies like Single White female, Fatal Attraction and Swim Fan-which I had the privilege of seeing not that long ago. It's also not very good. Actually it's, while not unwatchable, pretty unoriginal in the way the story goes but I doubt when they made this, originality was the main thing they were aiming for.

The two things I noticed with this movie were: first, the movie (for the beginning and middle) plays like any other stalker movie and actually becomes almost dull at times. There's really nothing here that hasn't been done a million times and The Temp doesn't do it in such a way that one is glued to the screen. The second thing I noticed is that "twists" are introduced which in this movie's case, is not a good thing, because most of them don't make any sense and the movie plays in such a way that by the end one is more baffled then intrigued.

The movie also had an opportunity after one of the twists to go in a rather interesting direction but it doesn't happen. The whole scene at the end with the chases in the factory was just to much and I'm not sure if the final twist in the last few minutes was supposed to be clever but all it made me do was think: CMON! By the end of the movie The Temp has become to jumbled and over the top to be interesting. It's not the performers who were fine. But the movie itself didn't seem to try to hard and was alternatively run of the mill and over the top weird. This isn't the worst of the Worst but it isn't very enjoyable. My vote's 3 of 10.
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