Review of UFO

UFO (1970–1971)
Voice Identification Positive, Commander Straker
19 September 2005
This show had potential but may have been a bit too parochial to appeal to large audiences, the weaker shows like "Cat With Ten Lives" putting them off. later episodes were much better: "The Man Who Came Back" and "The Long Sleep" are my current favourites. The was a certain X-Files feel to some of the episodes which it would have been nice to see continued.

I felt there was a problem of their concept of the aliens. I never really bought into it.

Some of the acting was overdone and the science fiction was sometimes too clunky, although I felt the collection of main characters worked well: Ed Straker, Alec Freeman, Paul Foster, Virigina Lake. Alec Freeman made a good foil for all of the others it would have been nice to see these characters explored further.
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