Only you can prevent watching crappy films about forest fires
21 September 2005
Much more akin to "Dawson's Creek" than anything close to "the Breakfast Club (that plot outline is way off about that). The film start's off no doubt pleasing the coveted "Dawson's Creek" demographic of gay men and younger teen girls by having Rider Strong (Boy Meets World) running around butt naked. Not the greatest start for a straight guy, but I was willing to give it a chance. Silly me, I thought it was gonna get better. Nope, not at all. This craptastic 'she wants him, he wants another girl who's dating another guy who she doesn't want' melodramatic load' independent film about a super small forest fire and a forest ranger (William Russ of "Boy meets World" again) trying to find out who did it, is so asinine that I hated myself for watching what, for all intents and purposes, should have been an ABC after school special.

My Grade: F

Where I saw it: Starz on Demand (available until September 22nd, 2005)
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