Ankle Biters (2002 Video)
Pure bad film gold
26 September 2005
A true work of genius. Bringing together two of the all time great features for any movie... Midgets and Vampires! How can it fail I mean really? This is one of the all time great works in bad film making, a movie so terrible it really is inspired. Don't let anything put you off, you MUST see this film! It's cast are wooden, it's sound quality is terrible. The script seems to be written by a group of drunk students on the back of a beermat (and may well have been) but that is saved by the poor delivery the actors give it. The whole thing seems like it was thought up by a group of film students with too much time on their hands and way to much alcohol, and to fair, it probably was. Somehow through all this the incredible concept of the film shines through creating something so inherently funny it has to be seen! Plus the theme song "Three feet tall, two inch fangs!" is almost worth it alone. I really cannot recommend this film enough, the moment I heard about it, I knew I had to go out and find it.
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