Martin Scorcese Brings It All Back Home for Bob Dylan
27 September 2005
I loved this movie! Especially the footage of Bob Dylan in the UK on the first electric tour - and his youthful, dilated eyes! Had no idea so many audience comments had been captured, and really wish I had seen young Bob back then before anyone really got what he was trying to do. One can't remember Bob Dylan without remembering the times - civil rights, the cold war, Vietnam, and psychedelia and Scorcese captured all this without banality. I gave a speech on Dylan in college, a discussion of his influence on the Beatles. My sister had the poster from Blonde on Blonde up for years. I can play almost every Bob Dylan song on guitar - something I think a lot of my generation can say. I saw him at least 20 times over the years, with the Band, the Grateful Dead, his son backing him - every show an adventure. How many coffee houses and bars had Dylan wanna-bees back then? I was fortunate enough to see Dylan do Mr. Tambourine Man with the Byrds at the Roy Orbison tribute - he was a great influence on me musically. So particularly great about the movie was that it captured the excitement, the controversy, and the crescendo of 1966. This film is worthy of the subject and the director! A really nice job.
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