I hate to rate anything with Edwige this low
8 November 2005
You can pretty much guess my feelings of this movie when I say that the two best things about it are the movie's title and the presence of Edwige Fenech. Other than that, I can't find much to recommend. The killer isn't very interesting. The mystery elements of the film aren't engrossing. And the kill scenes are poorly done. There's just no tension that is necessary for a good Giallo. And the final reveal of the killer is anything but suspenseful. In the end there are only three people left alive. If two of the characters are being chased by the killer, it doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure out who is under the motorcycle helmet? Sure, there's plenty of sleaze, but it's not done in what I found to be a fun or entertaining way. Unfortunately, I found Strip Nude for Your Killer to be a boring watch. I found myself looking at the clock about half way through just wishing it would end.

As a group, Gialli are often criticized for their misogyny. Consider Strip Nude for Your Killer as the poster child of misogyny in this type of film. Not one woman is presented or treated as anything but a mindless object. Take our heroine Edwige - her boyfriend acts as if he is going to strangle her in one scene. Does she send him packing or show any sign that she objected to being treated in that manner? No!
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