Great 3-D, lousy film
26 November 2005
If you must see this film, pay the extra couple of bucks for the digital 3-D version. It is by far the best 3-D film I've ever seen, at least on the technical level. Unfortunately, the story line leaves almost everything to be desired. Although the film is rated G, several scenes will be intensely frightening to young children. Adults will find the dialogue mostly predictable and the underlying message simplistic and underdeveloped. There are a few good laugh lines, but at least as many offensively stereotypical depictions that are intended as humor but fall flat. Many of the jokes fall into a dead zone, going right over the kids' heads but yet too juvenile for grown-ups. Honestly, I recommend this film only to gear-heads who just have to see the latest technological advances. Don't wait for the video, because this one is not worth watching on the small screen, even as a rental. If the screenplay had half the creativity of the 3-D process, this would be an Oscar® contender, but it looks like the sky really is falling at the House of Mouse.
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