Why the French made this?????
4 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This is my first review, so i begin. I watched this "comic" animation on a bus travel, and i felt it was awful! The french have been known for many things, including food, wine and brainy, profound and dialog-ridden films, boring almost all the time. It seems that someone told the producers of this waste of time: "Hey, let's make an animation Disney-style, with songs, lot's of adventure, plot twists, and even some comic relief. It will be the bomb". Well, it bombed big time. What to begin with? Well, the main character, the "lovable" Becassine, it's a nanny that can't even take care of herself, falls down all the time, accidentally drops stuff but, oh surprise, she has acrobatic agility at the moments of peril. We've seen and suffered this kind of main characters for a long, long time. It's time to move on to something a little more challenging. Then, she is supposed to take care of a little girl whose father is a renowned archaeologist and is in an expedition in Norway, and somehow is betrayed by a nasty black market art trafficker. Clichés are scattered all through the movie, for example, you know immediately who is the villain because he has a goatee and somber eyes; you know the map to the treasure will somehow be mistakenly confused with a map to someones house because the papers are the exact same size and shape; that if the gardener spots the nanny at and unusual place while on vacation doing something weird, it will happen all the other times we spot the gardener on vacation anywhere else; two buffoons working for the trafficker mess everything all the time... Besides, all the characters lack charisma and have brains the size of a pea, the plot is so paper thin you can predict the next move almost all the time, and the ending, of course, is predictable. In short words, if you can avoid this foul smelling piece of french cheese, do it. It seems that those french guys thought it was going to be really easy to make a wholesome nobrainer that would make everybody laugh, yet they ended with a tasteless, uninvolved story better suited for a twenty-minute episode of Tin Tin. Leave it to the pros!. Does it seem that i hate french cinema? You're right, except if it includes Jean Reno and/or Gerard Depardieu, but not even they could've saved this time waster.
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