Kronk's New Groove (2005 Video)
Fun movie, very entertaining - story could have been better...
16 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I was really excited when I saw the commercials for this direct to Disney DVD movie. Because I loved Emperor's New Groove so much, I had to go out and get this one. As with all sequels of a well crafted original story - Kronk had my expectations set to a very high level.

It's hard to judge this movie without comparing it to the original and that's why I don't think it's possible to write a fair review about it. First of all, it did hold my attention the whole way through - the story moved right along and didn't seem to drag at all. Funny at several different points and rehashing some of the jokes from the first movie but not doing it to the point that it becomes irritating.

It starts out in a similar style to the original, a day in Kronks life where everything seems to have blown up in Kronk's world and has spun out of control. Then we watch the events that have already unfolded leading us back to the point in the opening scene in the movie.

There were some parts in it that were extremely entertaining and basically made the movie for me. One of these is the music "video" in the middle of the movie between Kronk and his love interest Birdwell. It was so funny - I laughed out loud. It's set to the song "Let's Groove" by Earth Wind and Fire and features musical sight gags from Ghost, Pulp Fiction, Titanic, the Micheal Jackson "Thriller" video, and Saturday Night Fever to name a few. A well done sequence in my opinion.

There were other elements of the story that could have used more attention from the directors. First off, Kuzco, Pacha and Yzma were shoehorned into the story. Granted the story is told from Kronk's perspective but the major characters from the first movie have basically bit parts in this one. Because of this, Kronk basically "goes it alone" getting himself into the mess he's in and having only himself (and his shoulder angel and devil - basically himself too) to get him out of it.

The main theme of it all is that Kronk's happiness hinges on his father's approval. At the end of the film Kronk realizes that he's not a failure because he has friends (straight out of It's a Wonderful Life) but it's not complete happiness until his Papi gives him the "thumbs up" - is that a good message or a bad message for kids? I'll let you come to your own conclusion on that one.

All in all, it was time well spent getting to visit with Kronk and his pals again but it's a sequel and it's strong enough to stand on it's own only as a sequel. If it was an original film with no back-story to fall back on, it would be a weaker attempt at entertainment. 7/10 stars
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