After years of anticipation, "Freddy vs. Jason" lives up to the expectation
23 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Pictured this. Camp Crystal Lake. Towards the end of a bloody battle the infamous killer Jason Voorhies he is suddenly pulled down to hell by a bunch of demons. It is sunrise. Only thing that is left is his mask. The camera slowly pans down as we see....

BAM!! Freddy Krueger's hand pops up and takes Jason masks down to Hell with him.

Now, that's some scary stuff. Maybe some of you understood what I just said and some of you didn't. If you didn't understand what I just said, you will see what I'm talking about when you watch a one of the Friday the 13th films "with a final Friday" Anyway, due to this surprise and clever ending to what was suppose to be the "final, final Friday" it was obvious that New Line Cinema was going to pair these two titans of horror(Freddy and Jason) in their own epic film. After years of speculation and many different drafts of the script, I must say that it was worth the wait..."Freddy vs. Jason" was a rock 'em, sock 'em good time.

For one, the writers stayed true to the Freddy and Jason mythology. I liked how they didn't just make up some mumbo jumbo bullsh*t just to try to fit it into the story. They tied the Freddy and Jason mythology together so well, that the team up was brought together in the most respectable manner, thus doing justice to both of the franchises.

When I heard that Ronny Yu was directing this, I thought that he would not do a good job(since he directed the awful "Bride of Chucky") but he did a great job directing this long awaited team up. It is obvious that he wanted to make a larger than life movie and it came out well since Freddy and Jason was larger than life stars.

As usual, Robert Englund gives a fantastic performance as Freddy and he still shows that while Freddy is an evil, sadistic child killer he is still charismatic in every way.

One thing that I didn't like about this movie, is that the director tried to make Jason out to be the good guy when in all entirety, Freddy and Jason are evil to the fullest. This is a medium to major flaw on their part. It's no biggie but I felt that it wasn't the best direction to go.

In conclusion, Freddy vs. Jason was worth the wait. I know a lot of people bash this movie but it's a very solid horror film and I would go as far as to say that it's one of the better horror films of the 2000's.
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